Be A Leader in Safety
We look out for each other to ensure
we all go home safely to our loved ones
Employee Safety
At CN, we believe zero is possible - zero serious injuries, zero fatalities, zero harm. Safety is at the core of everything we do. We are committed to an incident and injury-free workplace. Our goal is to reduce serious injuries and fatalities to zero so that everyone goes home safely.

Our Policy

Safety is a core value at CN. Our ambition is to be the safest railroad in North America with an uncompromising commitment to the health and safety of our employees, the customers we serve and the communities and environment in which we operate, at all times. We aim to foster a culture of commitment to safety at all levels of our organization.

Training, leadership, and technology are the key pillars which support our safety culture. We aspire to zero — zero serious injuries, zero fatalities, zero harm. We are committed to providing the leadership, training, and resources necessary to achieve our goals.

CN uses a wide variety of processes and initiatives to maintain a safe workplace. This includes our Safety Management System, a formal framework for integrating safety into day‑to‑day railway operations. This applies to all Company employees and also governs CN’s relationship with contractors and other stakeholders while on CN property.

CN cooperates and engages with regulatory agencies and complies with all applicable regulations to maintain a safe, secure, and healthy workplace.

All employees are responsible for complying with Company safety policies, rules, standards, and procedures and for ensuring a workplace free from violence and harassment.

A Strong Safety Culture

Where every employee is committed to their personal safety and mental well being, to looking out for each other, and to prioritizing the safe transportation of our customers’ goods through the communities and environments in which we operate.

A Safety First Work Environment

Where all employees feel empowered to conduct operations safely, regardless of the nature, importance, or urgency of the job.

Safe Work Practices and Training

That ensure employees have the necessary tools and training to work safely and control exposures in the workplace.

Tracy Robinson

Tracy Robinson

President and Chief Executive Officer
Derek Taylor Signature

Derek Taylor

Executive Vice-President and Chief Field Operations Officer
Patrick Whitehead Signature

Patrick Whitehead

Executive Vice-President and Chief Network Operating Officer

Life Critical Rules
Among the safety rules we observe at CN are ones that, if not followed to the letter, can lead to serious injury or even death. These are called Life Critical Rules, and your life, your co-workers’ lives and the safety of the communities we serve depend on them.


Life Critical Rules

Introducing Life Critical Rules

Life Critical Rules


Life Critical Rules


Container icon for intermodal

Container icon for intermodal

CNTL video
Our Commitment to Life Critical Rules
Each and every one of us is committed to an incident- and injury-free workplace, and it is our number one priority to train our workforce on Life Critical Rules so we all go home safely, every single day. At CN, there are 10 groups where Life Critical Rules apply. You can find the groups and rules below.

FAQ Safety Questions For Employees